By now you will hopefully be feeling less nauseous and your energy levels will be starting to get back to normal, thank goodness.
It’s time to focus on you and TOH, yes you obviously have been thinking a lot about baby and that is not likely to change any time soon, but for just a moment lets shift the focus back to you and TOH and talk about babymoons!!! You have probably heard the term babymoon, if not this is the time you and TOH get a little trip away before your two becomes a three (or more if you are having twins etc). It doesn’t need to be extravagant; it could be anything from a short staycation to a two-week all-inclusive resort in Mexico (obviously do check current Covid restrictions). Also, worth mentioning here is you may want to avoid countries where you need additional vaccinations, but what you do need is a little quality time for you and TOH. Fancy a babymoon abroad? Why not, the medical advice out there is up to 28 weeks is fine, then after 28 weeks you may need to provide a medical note. A week or two in the sun maybe just what you need right now and time to switch off could be just what the midwife ordered. It may also be a while before you can enjoy a relaxing holiday in the sun as your holidays may be a little different once baby arrives. If your idea of a break is a more active venture, then why not do that, just make sure you factor in a few rest days. Before you do book anything though make sure you consider the following: If you need any vaccinations for your destination Check your insurance covers you during pregnancy What is included in your medical cover You may decide a staycation is more suitable, plan something fun and/or romantic and you may even get some sun (you never know). Enjoy spending quality time with TOH so you can talk through how you’re feeling, what you’re most excited about and how life will change once baby is born. This is about you becoming parents together – it can be both exciting and daunting at the same time and that is completely normal.