Your pregnancy at 22 weeks
Baby continues to grow and is approx. 27.8cm (from head to heel) about the size of a Moses basket. Talking of Moses baskets, have you...
Baby continues to grow and is approx. 27.8cm (from head to heel) about the size of a Moses basket. Talking of Moses baskets, have you thought where baby will sleep initially? Take a look at our new born sleeping guide to help you choose the best options for you. Baby Your baby will be practising their breathing technique now as their lungs are developing.
They will also be able to swallow a small amount of amniotic fluid which will stay in their bowels until they are born, you will have the pleasant task of seeing it again in their first couple of nappies in the form of meconium. Talking of swallowing, your baby’s taste buds are developing, and they may be able to taste some of the food you are eating, so try opting for more healthy options and give them a varied diet. Mum As your bump continues to grow you may notice stretch marks developing on your bump that look like red or purple stripes.
Stretch marks are caused by your bump growing quickly and yes you guessed it, pregnancy hormones!
The bad news is it is completely the luck of the draw whether you get them or not and there isn’t a huge amount you can do about it. Try keeping your skin well hydrated both in terms of a bump friendly moisturiser and drinking plenty of water.
They will fade after baby is born and will likely turn a silvery colour, some may disappear altogether, but if they don’t be proud of your stripes as your amazing body is growing a human, which is just incredible.
This article has been written using the latest guidance and information from trusted sources, primarily the NHS. This information should not replace the advice from professional medical advice.