Your baby at 3 months old
Baby is now a quarter of a year old and no longer considered a newborn… how did that happen?
Baby is now a quarter of a year old and no longer considered a newborn… how did that happen? Hopefully things will be settling down about now as you all adjust to your little family and sleep will hopefully continue to improve, which we will take a look at now. Sleep If you feel ready, now is a good time to start introducing a bedtime routine, to help baby know sleep is expected and it’s also a really nice way to wind down from your day.
Each baby and family are different, so it really depends on what works for you, but a bedtime routine tends to involve a relaxing bath and getting baby changed for bed, a feed, reading a bedtime story, dimming of lights, cuddles and maybe even singing a song or lullaby. Communication Baby will really start interacting with you and others around about now and you are likely to be enjoying some lovely smiles and if you are lucky, you may start hearing some giggles.
You may also have noticed that baby is crying less as they learn to communicate in different ways, with lots of vowel sounds and cooing.
Try talking through your actions as you make your lunch or do jobs around the house, so they get use to conversation and why not try playing a game of peek-a-boo. Movement At around 3 months, baby can lift their head 90 degrees as a result of plenty of tummy time play, if not then try them on their tummy throughout the day to help them build up their neck muscles.
You may also notice that they are starting to get a little more mobile and may start rolling over and also reaching out for things they want to play with. Feeding Baby will still be on a milk only diet and depending on if you are breastfeeding or bottle feeding, the number of feeds per day can vary massively.
Hopefully you can get a few hours break between feeds where you may like to take a little break for yourself and leave baby with a family member.
If you haven’t tried already then you may want to try expressing so they can be fed by your partner if this is something you would like to try. You – 3 Months Post-Partum As baby starts growing, hopefully you will be able to find a little time for yourself.
If you are comfortable, then why not leave baby with a family member so you and your partner can enjoy a coffee out or even just a little time where you can enjoy a bath on your own or catch-up with a friend?
You may also be thinking about having sex again, or maybe this is the last thing on your mind, what is important is that you share your thoughts with your partner so you both can understand how the other feels and work out when is the right time for you both