Your baby at 6 months old
This month marks a big milestone, your baby is now half a year old! Baby is likely to be very vocal, you may even hear a no!
This month marks a big milestone, your baby is now half a year old!
Baby is likely to be very vocal, you may even hear a no!
This month also marks the start of their weaning journey which is exciting for both you and baby. Sleep You may find your night times are less disrupted as baby may start dropping any night feeds, particularly as they start eating food.
Hopefully they will be enjoying about 11-12 hours’ sleep at night and still around two naps per day. Communication Your 6-month-old will be making lots of sounds and mimicking those around them.
You may have heard them say ‘ma,’ ‘da,’ ‘ah’ and ‘oh’ and even ‘no!’ You can try teaching your baby signals for ‘more’, ‘eat’, ‘milk’ and ‘all done’ which they may soon be able to use themselves, your baby is really growing up! Movement At 6 months, your baby will probably be able to sit up on their own, which will help when they start eating solids.
They may also be on the move already, and if not don’t worry, they all develop at different stages and if not actually crawling it’s amazing how far they can get with a bum shuffle, or ninja style rolls.
If they are not yet crawling, then you may see them on all fours, rocking back and forth and they often work out how to go backwards before they manage to move forwards. Feeding This is where your baby’s weaning journey begins.
This can be a really exciting time for all involved as baby discovers different flavours and textures.
How you wean is up to you, you may choose the more traditional puree method or go straight for baby-led weaning, or a mixture of the two, but one thing that is certain is it will be messy, at least at first, but that’s all part of the fun, right?
Although you will now be introducing solid food to baby’s diet, they will still rely heavily on milk at least at first, then as they eat more, they will naturally reduce the amount of milk they drink. You – 6 Months Post-Partum You’ve been a mum for 6 months now, half a year, well longer if you count the nine months you were growing them.
If you are starting to think about improving your fitness levels then start gradually and take your time, there is no rush.
You may be able to find mum and baby fitness classes, where you can take your baby with you.
This is a nice way to get back to fitness without the added worry of finding someone to look after baby.