Your baby at 5 months old
Baby will be really progressing and will be starting to prepare themselves for crawling, so make sure you are prepared for this and start l
At 5 months, baby will be really progressing and will be starting to prepare themselves for crawling, so make sure you are prepared for this and start looking at baby-proofing your home as once they are on the move there is no stopping them! Sleep Baby should have a good sleeping pattern now and if you started implementing a bedtime routine then this should hopefully be helping them prepare for sleep each night.
Hopefully your sleep is improving too, and you are feeling a lot more like your normal self. Communication Baby’s speech will be coming on well and they will be trying a number of different sounds and trying to copy you when you talk to them.
They will be enjoying lots of company and playing games like hide and seek and peek-a-boo with you.
They will also likely know their name by now too and will turn when you call them – adorable! Movement About now your baby will be preparing themselves for crawling and may well be able to roll from their back to their tummy.
Once they have mastered this skill you may notice them working their legs and starting to rock.
Their grasp will also be getting stronger, and they will be able to pull things closer and move items from one hand to the other. Feeding Although still on a liquid diet, it may be worth researching the different weaning methods as you will soon start introducing food to your little one. You – 5 Months Post-Partum Baby no doubt will be your priority at the moment, but now they are getting older, don’t neglect your needs.
Meet up with other mums or dads in your area so your baby can start to socialise but so can you.
It is often really helpful being able to talk to others going through similar experiences as it can sometimes be really tough.