Baby By Month

Your baby at 1 month old
Can you believe baby is now 1 month old!!! This last month will most likely have been a bit of a whirlwind as you adjust to being a parent

Your baby at 2 months old
They will start to discover the world around them with wide-eyed curiosity and will be starting to interact with those they love.

Your baby at 3 months old
Baby is now a quarter of a year old and no longer considered a newborn… how did that happen?

Your baby at 4 months old
This is an exciting time, and it will feel like baby is growing quickly at the moment and that newborn stage feels like a distant memory.

Your baby at 5 months old
Baby will be really progressing and will be starting to prepare themselves for crawling, so make sure you are prepared for this and start l

Your baby at 6 months old
This month marks a big milestone, your baby is now half a year old! Baby is likely to be very vocal, you may even hear a no!

Your baby at 7 months
Baby will enjoy plenty of playing and laughing and you will see their little personality develop.

Your baby at 8 months
Your baby will be very active and suddenly into everything! Baby will have developed a real sense of curiosity as they continue to explore.

Your baby at 9 months
The difference in your baby to 9 months ago is huge as they can move with ease and can probably even climb stairs, your baby is growing up f

Your baby at 10 months
Your little adventurer will be very busy, filling their days with exploring the world and enjoying the freedom being mobile.

Your baby at 11 months
Your baby will soon be a toddler and is rapidly approaching their first birthday – it has gone so fast

Your baby at 12 months
This month, no doubt there will be plenty of celebrating as your baby reaches an important milestone and becomes a toddler!