Your baby at 4 months old
This is an exciting time, and it will feel like baby is growing quickly at the moment and that newborn stage feels like a distant memory.
This month will bring lots of laughter and fun as your baby’s personality starts to develop. This is an exciting time, and it will feel like baby is growing quickly at the moment and that newborn stage feels like a distant memory. Sleep Hopefully by now baby will be enjoying 10-12 hours of sleep at night, only waking up for a feed or two.
They will also be enjoying two to three naps a day too.
This more structured sleep will be having a positive effect on you too, as you will hopefully be enjoying longer periods of sleep now and also be able to plan around baby’s nap times to make the most of this period throughout the day. Communication Have you noticed a difference in baby’s cries?
It’s amazing but if you tune in you will hear a different cry if your baby is hungry, tired or in pain.
Other ways in which baby is communicating with you is by copying your sounds and babbling lots as well as continuing to smile and even a few laughs – so cute! Movement Baby will be strengthening those little legs by pushing down when held above your knee, it’s amazing how strong they are already.
You may also notice that when baby is enjoying some tummy time they can lift themselves up onto their elbows as they start preparing to crawl over the next few months.
They will also be putting plenty of toys in their mouth, so keep a check on what is within reach of little hands. Feeding Baby as with previous months will still be on a milk only diet and this will continue for the next few months.
Not only will baby cry differently when they are hungry, but you may also start noticing that at first they put their hands near their mouth to let you know what they need. You – 4 Months Post-Partum How are you doing?
It can be difficult adjusting after you’ve had a baby, your body doesn’t look like it did pre-pregnancy and sometimes that can be really tough.
Remember, your body may not look quite like it once did but it has done something amazing and produced a beautiful baby and that is incredible when you think about it.
So, the next time you look in the mirror, look at yourself with pride and hi-five yourself for what you have done – you really are amazing!