Your baby at 2 months old
They will start to discover the world around them with wide-eyed curiosity and will be starting to interact with those they love.
Your baby has reached two months!
They will start to discover the world around them with wide-eyed curiosity and will be starting to interact with those they love. Sleep Dare we say it, but at around 2 months, baby’s sleep cycles will be increasing, and you will hopefully start to enjoy slightly longer stretches throughout the night, phew!
At this stage, your baby is considered to sleep through the night, if they manage 5-6 hours at a time, not quite what you were hoping, but hopefully a great improvement of where things were a month ago.
As they become more active during the day, they will hopefully be more tired come bedtime and this helps them sleep longer. Communication Did you hear that?
Was your baby cooing?
This is the cutest sound and starts around 6-8 weeks old.
Up to now their only form of vocal communication is through crying but around now they will start cooing.
Try cooing at baby and then pause to see if they respond – so cute! Movement Baby will be gaining more power over their muscle control and so their jerky movements will start becoming more fluid.
They should now be able to lift up their head which can be encouraged by plenty of tummy time.
This may take some getting used to as baby has been on their back for so long, but give it a try and after a few goes they may get the hang of it.
Try lying down in front of them so they have to lift their head to see yours.
Baby may have also discovered their hands recently which may start finding their way into their mouth and they may suck on their clenched fist. Feeding Your baby will hopefully be feeding a little less from now on as both you and they get use to feeding and as their stomach grows they can take larger amounts per feed.
Baby will still be on a milk only diet for the next few months, so enjoy plenty of snuggles and that cute ‘milk drunk’ face. You – 2 Months Post-Partum If you haven’t already then you will soon have your postnatal check-up with the doctor, to check all is well.
This is your opportunity to talk through anything that has been worrying you and a general check on your wellbeing as well as checking your body has recovered well from the pregnancy and birth.
Do make the most of this appointment and ask any questions you may have.