Pregnancy By Week

Your pregnancy at 1 week
Here we go mum, let the journey commence. So technically you’re not actually pregnant but your pregnancy journey starts the first day of...

Your pregnancy at 2 weeks
You will most likely have finished your period and be waiting for ovulation which usually happens 12-14 days before your next period. Mum...

Your pregnancy at 3 weeks
Welcome to baby making week!!! If you have a 28-day cycle then this is the week you will ovulate and the week you and dad need to seal...

Your pregnancy at 4 weeks
Here we go mum, let the journey commence. You may not even know you are pregnant at this early stage, although some early pregnancy tests...

Your pregnancy at 5 weeks
This is an exciting week for baby which has now become an embryo. You may have only just found out you are pregnant mum, huge congra...

Your pregnancy at 6 weeks
Huge congratulations if you have just found out you are pregnant, such exciting news. If this has come as more of a shock, then don’t...

Your pregnancy at 7 weeks
Your baby continues to develop at great speed and is currently developing their final set of kidneys this week, (they have got through 3...

Your pregnancy at 8 weeks
Hey mum you’ve made it to the 2-month stage, which means only 7 more to go! Over the past few weeks your body has been going through...

Your pregnancy at 9 weeks
Notice any changes in your boobs? This is nature's way of preparing for after your baby is born. If you haven’t been naturally blessed...

Your pregnancy at 10 weeks
It’s booking appointment week! This week (give or take) you should get to meet your midwife, which is an exciting step in your pregnancy...

Your pregnancy at 11 weeks
The end of the First Trimester is in sight, you only have one more week after this to go mum – you’ve got this! Baby is still growing at...

Your pregnancy at 12 weeks
Mum, can you believe baby is now fully formed! All their organs, muscles, limbs and bones are in place and over the next two trimesters...

Your pregnancy at 13 weeks
Congratulations mum, you’re now in your 2nd Trimester and things will start to settle down and hopefully you will be feeling a lot more...

Your pregnancy at 14 weeks
How are your pelvic floor exercises coming along? If you haven’t started yet then there is no time like the present. As baby grows,...

Your pregnancy at 15 weeks
You know how you’ve been talking and singing to baby, well from this week there is a chance they can actually hear you! It may at first...

Your pregnancy at 16 weeks
You should be seeing your midwife again this week and if you are lucky you will get to hear baby’s heartbeat which is usually between 120...

Your pregnancy at 17 weeks
This song comes to mind this week, particularly the lyrics ‘don’t know if I elated or gassy but I’m somewhere in that zone’, and you are...

Your pregnancy at 18 weeks
Do you see what I see? From 18-20 weeks you will be offered your anomaly scan where the sonographer will check your baby in detail to...

Your pregnancy at 19 weeks
You’re so close to the halfway mark, only one week to go! If you’re starting to feel a little sluggish then try upping your exercise to...

Your pregnancy at 20 weeks
Congratulations!!! You are halfway through your pregnancy, only 20 weeks to go, or there abouts, we can never be exactly sure when baby...

Your pregnancy at 21 weeks
This week your baby will weigh more than your placenta for the first time and will remain that way until you give birth in less than 4...

Your pregnancy at 22 weeks
Baby continues to grow and is approx. 27.8cm (from head to heel) about the size of a Moses basket. Talking of Moses baskets, have you...

Your pregnancy at 23 weeks
Have you been feeling those kicks? As you start to feel your baby move more and more, get to know their patterns. You will likely notice...

Your pregnancy at 24 weeks
Amazingly if baby was born this week then there is a fighting chance they would survive! Yes, they would need help with their breathing,...

Your pregnancy at 25 weeks
Week 25 already! If you haven’t already told your employer you are pregnant, then this is the week. No doubt they will have guessed, as...

Your pregnancy at 26 weeks
Around the 26 mark your baby’s eyes will open for the first time. However, their permanent eye colour will not yet be known until several...

Your pregnancy at 27 weeks
Can you believe this is the last week of your 2nd Trimester? From next week you will be entering the final stage of your pregnancy, you...

Your pregnancy at 28 weeks
You’ve made it… welcome to your third trimester, at the end of this you will finally get to meet your baby – you’ve got this mum, not...

Your pregnancy at 29 weeks
You may be starting your antenatal classes in the next few weeks if you have decided that is something you want to do. This can be an...

Your pregnancy at 30 weeks
You’re at the three quarters mark and although you may feel huge, you still have someway to go before baby appears. Although hard, try...

Your pregnancy at 31 weeks
If this is your first baby then you will have another midwife appointment this week, this will be more regular from now as you get closer...

Your pregnancy at 32 weeks
Every day I’m waddlin’ 🐧 Yes mum you may be feeling more like a penguin as you notice you are waddling rather than walking to compensate...

Your pregnancy at 33 weeks
This week marks your baby having a fully developed brain and nervous system – an important milestone and edging closer to the day they...

Your pregnancy at 34 weeks
This week you should have another appointment with your midwife and during this appointment you will be given information about your...

Your pregnancy at 35 weeks
Are you starting your maternity leave this week mum? This is a popular time to stop work, but if its not quite your time, then hang in...

Your pregnancy at 36 weeks
You should have another midwife appointment this week where you will be given more information focusing more on after baby has arrived....

Your pregnancy at 37 weeks
You’ve only gone and done it mum, you have a ‘full term’ baby so if you were to go into labour now then baby wouldn’t be early and is big...

Your pregnancy at 38 weeks
You should have another midwife appointment this week, they will do the usual checks and also discuss what might happen if you go over 41...

Your pregnancy at 39 weeks
How are you doing mum? It can be really hard playing the waiting game but baby will come when they are ready, which hopefully will be...

Your pregnancy at 40 weeks
It’s here, the week you’ve been waiting for and yet so far baby hasn’t arrived, but you really are at the end now and very soon baby will...

Your pregnancy at 41 weeks
It can be difficult getting to this point and baby still hasn’t arrived, with daily messages from well meaning friends and family asking...

Your pregnancy at 42 weeks
This is the week you will finally meet your baby, either you will go into labour naturally or you will be induced. If you do go down the...