Your baby at 9 months
The difference in your baby to 9 months ago is huge as they can move with ease and can probably even climb stairs, your baby is growing up f
At 9 months baby has been in the outside world for the same length of time they were inside your womb – how quickly did that go!!
The difference in your baby to 9 months ago is huge as they can move with ease and can probably even climb stairs, your baby is growing up fast! Sleep You may start to notice that baby’s naps are reducing a little during the day.
They are likely to still be having two naps, one morning and one in the afternoon and these could vary from a couple of hours long or as short as 20 minutes. Communication You may notice that baby gets very upset when you leave the room or pop out leaving them with someone else, separation anxiety can be an issue at this age, and they may also be very wary of anyone new.
The main reason for this is your baby’s awareness and memory is improving, so it is a positive thing.
One way to help is distraction and if they do cry, then it won’t last long. Movement Your 9-month-old will be very mobile and not only are they likely to be expert crawlers by now, but they may be standing and cruising around the furniture.
Help them by holding out your hands and walk with them around the room, so they can practice putting their feet flat on the floor. Feeding If you went down the puree route, then your baby will be moving on to chunkier food about now and may even have a few teeth to help with the additional chewing.
If you chose to do baby-led weaning, then they may be enjoying a range of food.
Don’t be tempted at this stage to offer snacks in-between meals, if you think they are hungry then offer milk, as this will still be their main source of nutrition until they are one year old. You – 9 Months Post-Partum It’s been an amazing 9 months of getting to know your baby, the same amount of time it has taken to grow them.
No doubt some of that time has been the best of your life, but some will have been exhausting and emotional.
Your body is unlikely to look exactly as it did before you had a baby, but then your body has been through some amazing changes and produced the most amazing baby, be grateful of what it has achieved rather than finding fault.