Boobs – The Milk
While you’ve been busy growing baby your breasts have been busy preparing for after the birth.
Experienced any leaking boobs yet mum?
Oh, the joys of pregnancy, but this is completely normal.
While you’ve been busy growing baby your breasts have been busy preparing for after the birth.
Your estrogen levels continue to rise and you may feel your boobs feeling heavy and full – this is the milk ducts developing ready to feed baby.
During the first few weeks of your second trimester you will have started producing colostrum which is the good stuff baby needs when they are first born.
Colostrum is what your breasts produce during baby’s first few days and is a thick, golden coloured liquid.
It is a highly concentrated food which is very nutritious and contains high levels of antibodies to protect your baby against infection and bacteria. As you approach your third trimester you may notice your breasts getting even heavier and your nipples more pronounced as we mentioned in Week 9 – Let's Talk Boobs, and your nipples and areola may continue to darken.
If you have outgrown your current bras, then it is worth getting fitted.
You may change sizes several times during your pregnancy (or not) but if you do feel uncomfortable in the bra department then do get a fitting for the correct size, so you are as comfortable as possible. More on this topic: