Find your tribe – create your support network
It is a good idea to start thinking about your support network to help you through the next few months of pregnancy.
You may only be in the early days of your parenting journey, but it is a good idea to start thinking about your support network to help you not only through the next few months of pregnancy but also in the early weeks and months of motherhood. Becoming a mum for the first time is exciting but sometimes scary and having a close group of family or friends you can call on day or night will make a huge difference.
There is no hard and fast rule when parenting and you will find a book to counter every parenting advice going, but having people close to you who will support rather than judge you can be a powerful thing.
This doesn’t need to be an official thing; we’re not expecting you to get t-shirts printed or anything but knowing who you can talk to when the going gets tough is important. If you are the first in your group of friends to start a family or not close to your family then don’t worry, you may not have actually met your ‘tribe’ yet.
Many expectant parents sign up for antenatal classes and through this create a very strong group of friends who are all going through this journey together.
Particularly in the early few weeks and months it can make a huge difference to be able to meet up with people who are as sleep deprived as you.