Planning for Baby
You've made the decision to start a family, how exciting, now what? Well, there is the obvious... you and TOH can enjoy some alone time 😉 and hopefully the deed will be done, but what else do you need to do when planning for a baby?
Folic Acid
Before you get pregnant, it is recommended that you start taking folic acid, so from now until 12 weeks of pregnancy. The main reason for this is it reduces the risk of your baby having a neural tube defect, such as spina bifida, so definitely a good idea. You only need to take 400 micrograms a day, so one small tablet of the correct dosage and it doesn't cost much -- so pop that on your shopping list.
If you are a smoker than it is a good idea to try and stop now. There are a number of health problems for baby including premature birth and miscarriage so it really is best if you can stop smoking for your baby and you will benefit too. It can be really hard to stop, particularly if you have been smoking for a while but help is available -- visit NHS Smokefree for free help and support.
It is advised that if you are pregnant or trying to conceive then you shouldn't drink any alcohol as it can affect your fertility and also can be passed on to your unborn baby as soon as you do become pregnant. If you need help to stop drinking, then do seek it, speak to your doctor, family or friends and get the support you need.
Get Healthy
Getting your body into shape and eating a healthy diet can only improve your chances of conceiving. Your body goes through some massive changes during pregnancy and will be put under quite a bit of strain and so if you can improve your health through eating better and exercising more, then it is a good idea.
If you are overweight then you may also experience problems getting pregnant and fertility treatment is less likely to work if you go down that route, so try and eat more fruit, vegetables and wholegrain foods and cut down on processed food. If you are not very active then now is a great time to start, as you will need plenty of energy when you have a baby.
Start by doing a small amount each day, even if that is just a 5-minute walk, and then slowly increase it once you have formed the habit.
If you are on medication, prescribed or over the counter, then do check they are safe to take when pregnant. If you have any long-term health issues then it may be worth booking an appointment with your doctor and having a chat before you try for a baby. They will also be able to check your medication at the same time.
The above information can feel a bit daunting and overwhelming, particularly as a lot of the above affects you, but ultimately being relaxed can make a big difference to how quickly you conceive. Try not to get to obsessed with ovulation dates and your temperature and enjoy plenty of sex and hopefully you will be pregnant before you know it.