Sleeping with a bump
Up until now it hasn’t really made much difference what position you sleep in, but as bump grows you may find it harder to get comfortable.
Up until now it hasn’t really made much difference what position you sleep in as long as you get your shuteye, but as bump grows you may find it harder to get comfortable. It is also recommended that particularly in your third trimester, so after 28 weeks, you sleep on your side. The main reason for this is the combined weight of your baby and you can restrict the blood flow and oxygen to your baby. You may have also read that you should sleep on your left side rather than your right. There has been a small amount of research which has shown sleeping on your left can help your kidneys get rid of waste and fluid from your body, so if you can sleep on your left then this is probably a good habit to get into. The biggest issue our mummas seem to have is staying on their side while asleep. Try not to worry mum if you find yourself waking up on your back, as long as you move back to your side to go back to sleep. You may however want to try some of these tips and tricks from our members. Try wedging yourself between body or pregnancy pillows with one between your legs, this can help prevent you from rolling over. Another popular tip is tie your hair in a low bun as this stops you turning your head while asleep and adjusting your position. If you have any great tips to share to help keep you asleep on your side, then let us know. Find more info about sleeping with a bump here.