
Over the next short months bay will develop and grow in many ways, here we take a look at a baby’s journey from 0-12 months.

We can’t believe you are looking at weaning baby already! You will start to think about introducing food to their diet.

When to get help
Most of your adult like you have done what you can to avoid pregnancy and now when you finally feel ready to have a baby.

Your pregnancy at 26 weeks
Around the 26 mark your baby’s eyes will open for the first time. However, their permanent eye colour will not yet be known until several...

Your pregnancy at 27 weeks
Can you believe this is the last week of your 2nd Trimester? From next week you will be entering the final stage of your pregnancy, you...

Your pregnancy at 28 weeks
You’ve made it… welcome to your third trimester, at the end of this you will finally get to meet your baby – you’ve got this mum, not...

Your pregnancy at 29 weeks
You may be starting your antenatal classes in the next few weeks if you have decided that is something you want to do. This can be an...

Your pregnancy at 30 weeks
You’re at the three quarters mark and although you may feel huge, you still have someway to go before baby appears. Although hard, try...

Your pregnancy at 31 weeks
If this is your first baby then you will have another midwife appointment this week, this will be more regular from now as you get closer...

Your pregnancy at 32 weeks
Every day I’m waddlin’ 🐧 Yes mum you may be feeling more like a penguin as you notice you are waddling rather than walking to compensate...

Your pregnancy at 33 weeks
This week marks your baby having a fully developed brain and nervous system – an important milestone and edging closer to the day they...

Your pregnancy at 34 weeks
This week you should have another appointment with your midwife and during this appointment you will be given information about your...