Pelvic Floor – Squeeze!
As your bump grows the pressure on your pelvic floor will increase. Mum take note, this is not a gym class you should miss.
Up Close and Personal
Ok ladies, based on the heading of this one we are going in deep, let’s see what is going on down below.
By now you will hopefully be feeling less nauseous and your energy levels will be starting to get back to normal, thank goodness.
Bonding with Your Bump
Sometimes it can be hard to accept your changing body and you might not have connected as much with your baby as you imagined you would.
Exhausted? We hear ya!
This is an understatement, tiredness during the early stages can hit you like a tonne of bricks.
Post Natal Depression
This can be a difficult topic and something that is often seen as scary and only something that happens to others.
Signs of Infection
During pregnancy your whole body is affected by viruses and bacteria and this also impacts on your immune system and hormones.
Sleeping with a bump
Up until now it hasn’t really made much difference what position you sleep in, but as bump grows you may find it harder to get comfortable.
Pre-eclampsia – signs to look out for
Pre-eclampsia is when you have high blood pressure and potentially protein in your urine usually in the second half of pregnancy.
The NHS currently recommends having both a flu and whooping cough vaccine because these illnesses can have a negative effect on baby.
Antenatal Appointments Explained
During your pregnancy you will have a number of appointments with your midwife, the first being usually before 10 weeks.
Boobs – The Milk
While you’ve been busy growing baby your breasts have been busy preparing for after the birth.